Monday, November 06, 2006

Fall Festival preparations...

Ok, so here it was we discussed about today...

Things we can do/make!

-Introduce Podcasting and TUJPOD
- record people introducing TUJPOD

-Produce a whole podcast from the festival with:
-video (borrow from matt or shoot)
-message to the dean

-We can try a 'live' feed. Maybe just put up 2 shows during the day with some updates...?

-Have a logo contest for TUJPOD

-Make a flyer with URL short intro and info about logo contest

-Have a 'Human Mic' walking around talking and recording the sound of the festival

Things we need!

-Laptop with all TUJPOD shows
-Suggestion Box
-Sign or something for our table to attract people

If anyone thinks of anything post a comment so everyone can see and contribute!


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