Sunday, October 22, 2006

Podcast review!

Alright, so I finally finished my podcast review! This project is not so not a ton of effects...but its still def worth to listen to if you wanna hear a little about technology podcasts!

Podcast Review

Scott gave me the idea to put up the links to the podcast I reviewed to make it easier to find them. So here they are:

BBC Digital Planet
New York Times
TWIT web Site (many shows)
Windows Weekly (part of TWIT)

For just search on Itunes and it should not be a problem to find, same thing goes for Geek Entertainment TV. Both are video podcasts!


At 10/25/2006 8:45 AM, Blogger scott said...

Good job Johan,

I enjoyed listening to your podcast review. I learned about many new "tech" podcasts - thanks.

Nice job with editing and mixing in the audio excerpts.

Would it be possible to post links to the podcast websites in your blog post?


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